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Lucienne Pitschel


Bachelor of Arts Business and Languages

As a project assistant, Lucienne Pitschel keeps an eye on organizational processes. For example, she coordinates meetings and events, communicates with practice partners and supports the preparation of research reports. 

She was already interested in topics relating to climate and social research during her degree in business and languages. The projects she is currently working on focus on participation: the IÖW is supporting the participation process for a precautionary climate adaptation strategy of the German government. And the AMBER junior research group is conducting citizen science studies on the urban mobility transition.


Main focus

  • Project management 
  • Correspondence with internal and external project partners
  • Organizational office work


  • Since 07/2023: Project Assistance, IÖW
  • 01/2023 – 06/2023: Customer Service Agent, Travelcircus 
  • 04/2022 – 07/2022: Eventmanagement Internship, Zughafen Kulturbahnhof


  • 2018 – 2022: Bachelor of Arts Business and Languages, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena