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RePack-network. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – Sustainable packaging of food Networking and transfer program for plastics reduction

Whether it's ice cream tubs, potted herbs in the supermarket or to-go salads, food is often packaged in plastic that is only used for a short time and is rarely reused or recycled. In addition to the considerable consumption of resources, the environment is also polluted by macro- and microplastics. The German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture is therefore promoting innovations that help to package food more sustainably and reduce plastics along the value chain. In the RePack network, the IÖW accompanies, supports and evaluates twelve innovation projects of this funding measure together with the research partners. In the projects, universities and research institutes work together with companies to develop new production processes, innovative materials, packaging with an increased proportion of recycled content or reusable packaging. For example, they are researching bio-based, compostable packaging, stretchable paper or mono-material films.

The IÖW is leading the project and is investigating how existing reusable and unpackaged concepts can be expanded. The aim is to bundle the results for different target groups and bring the projects into an exchange: To this end, the IÖW designs and organizes cluster and thematic workshops as well as conferences at which the projects network with each other and with the interested specialist public. A website and social media presence as well as a regular newsletter provide information on the progress of the projects and give insights into the innovations. The IÖW researchers derive overarching recommendations for action for politics, business, civil society and consumers from the results of the funded projects. 

IÖW Project Team