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Keynote Transforming Europe’s food system: Assessing the EU policy

Workshop: The (im)possible coherence? – Science-Policy, Blockages and Transformation
Event by: FACCE-JPI und HDHL
27.11.23, Maison Irène et Frédéric Joliot Curie, Bruxelles

The workshop “The (im)possible coherence? – Science-Policy, Blockages and Transformation” aimed to contribute to understanding the evolving role of science-based policy advice, along with the dynamics of science-policy and science-society interfaces in organizing such advice. The aim was furthermore to understand the role of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research in science advice and how it can contribute to the governance of science-policy interfaces.
The keynote provided a brief introduction, highlighting the ambitious yet challenging goals of the Farm-to-Fork strategy for transitioning to a sustainable food system. 

Summary Report (PDF)