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An international consortium launched a project aiming to connect scientific evidence on sustainable production and consumption (SCP) with policy makers’ needs in decision making. Today, the web platform has been launched and, in addition to a series of “Policy meets research” workshops, the web platform will be the major tool for brokering relevant knowledge. The first workshop takes place in Vienna on 21-22 October 2010. more


A long-established German corporate group and a pioneer of the environmental sector have been distinguished as the best reporters in an evaluation of over one hundred German corporate sustainability reports carried out by the Berlin based Institute for Ecological Economy Research and the business initiative “Future”. On November 23 the winners were awarded by the Federal Minister for Labour and Social Affairs Franz Josef Jung and Volker Hauff, the Chairman of the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) at RNE’s annual conference in Berlin. more


Political decisions more frequently based on systematic Impact Assessments / Experts recommend coordinated improvement and implementation of evaluation methods more